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29 July 2012


Blog migration soon! Byeee

~ { 6:11 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

08 July 2012

Two more days!

Time flies! June has come and gone and we are now heading for July 10th. After three years of *intense* studying, the day I have been looking forward to is approaching. Fast. Now that I think about it, I would rather revisit my childhood.

As I was walking home just now, I passed by a group of kids playing aeiou at the void deck. Made me wish I can be as carefree as them. I do not want to grow up luh. Haha! Pros and cons exist for both being a child and an adult. But I would rather be a child and not grow up if given a choice. Haiz!

Job search is not going well. But I am looking forward to seeing my nonet :)

tsubasa^^ I have wings to take off now

~ { 3:53 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

24 May 2012

Studying beats unemployment in every way

It's been almost month since school has ended. And I haven't found a job -.- now all I want is to go back to my studying days. I aspire to invent a time machine so I can turn back time and go back to when I'm the happiest studying :)

But I can't stay free (literal) everyday now. Have to find a job and help out the family. I really hoped to get into SPF but after that last interview, it feels as though all my hopes are dashed. I won't have high expectations for the job. Makes me less disappointed. Nevertheless, I still wish for a miracle. It's time to scout for other jobs. Reality is thy instrument of torture.

tsubasa^^ wish upon a star

~ { 9:32 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

12 April 2012


Bid goodbye to nus with mixed feelings. Happy and sad at the same time. Feels weird but good hehe! Some friends I'll definitely miss. Certain people not so much. Getting away from it all :)

It's time to move on to a new phase in life. Anticipating the challenges and rewards. Let us all get together again in this new phase and stay untouched always yay!

tsubasa^^ more important burdens have replaced the old ones. Shoulders touching ground.

~ { 2:41 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

08 April 2012

Adele - Make You Feel My Love

When the rain is blowing in your face,
and the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace
to make you feel my love.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear,
and there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet,
but I would never do you wrong.
I've known it from the moment that we met,
no doubt in my mind where you belong.

I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,
I'd go crawling down the avenue.
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
to make you feel my love.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
and on the highway of regret.
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free,
you ain't seen nothing like me yet.

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.
Nothing that I wouldn't do.
Go to the ends of the Earth for you,
to make you feel my love

tsubasa^^ someday, i wish to find the person whom i will do everything for :)

~ { 10:34 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

21 March 2012

I forgot lol

Sorry boss I forgot to put up a post on the 17th march to wish you a happy birthday haha! We are all getting old! You especially :p:p well I have to say I'm glad we hit off so well in each other :) so I can have a confidant in my uni life haha! Don't always bottle up your feelings too okay. I'm here if you want to talk. You always listen to my problems so I will do the same for you hehe! Thanks boss for helping me out numerous times since uni started and I'm proud to say I've made a one true friend in you during my uni years :) let's jiayou together and please keep in touch even after we graduated (although we live quit far luh lol) and we can always meet up for lunch/dinner! Okay that's all I want to say to you (at least for now cause we shared too much BNSDMM haha ;p) take care and all the best in your future endeavors!

Your secretary

tsubasa^^ it's a blessing to have such a good friend :)

~ { 1:13 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

09 March 2012

Happy birthday to me :)

So I turn a year older today. There isn't any special feelings or moments because well, today is just like any other day. After my 21st, it feels as though life is moving very fast. Time passes and people change, whether they want to or not. The unexpected happens and losses are incurred. But I have my joy too. I'm just happy that I'm remembered by my family and closest friends on this day when I was born. It lets me know how important I am in their hearts. Thank you for being part of my life :)

To my nonet: I know how busy you all are but yet, you all are willing to spend time with me today. I look forward to seeing you all in several more hours. I couldn't have become who I am without you all. This is my tenth birthday celebration with you all and I am so touched that I'm remembered by you all. I love you all so much.

To my thirteens: you are the only class that I am so bonded to and I thank you all for being part of my life too. We have had so much fun together for the past four years and I'm spending my fifth year with you all :) needless to say I love you all too.

To my family: I shan't have to say much other than I love you. Thanks for being my family this life :) My birthday is a day which I give thanks to all I have in my life. And to my parents especially. Without you I won't be here.

tsubasa^^ I wish that I can spend my birthday with the people I love every year :)

~ { 3:03 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side