Catch-up session with boss is always insightful :)
Had lunch with my boss yesterday (which he treated yay thanks boss) and he popped the question: so what type of guys do you like?
I've always wondered at this question. Must a girl (or a guy) go announcing to the whole world what she's looking for? Isn't that a bit prejudiced thinking? I mean, you've already set your mind on what you're looking for and may have in the process of looking passed by the perfect guy for you.. People are always looking for the word "perfect". I guess most people (including me sometimes) don't know that imperfectness is perfect in some ways. I wouldn't know it since I'm evergreen lol!
But anyway, for boss, I answered the question as truthfully as I could. I've always been asked this question during camps and I always give stupid and untruthful answers. Why should I go announcing to the whole og what my type is? People who know me will know what type if guys I like. Even without asking. People who don't know what type works for me, I'm sorry to say that you just ain't that close to me. So yeah, boss you should be honored ah ;D
anyway his reply to my answer was: you're looking for the typical nice guy. Haha! Yes. I know I'm looking for a fantasy; a dream. But which person wouldn't want their other half to be the one they dream of? Sure. The world is a practical place. I have to be realistic I guess. But up until I actually meet someone who's my it, I would like to retain my fantasy. After all, a Pisces is a dreamer and a romantic. Which I am. If you're surprised, then you don't know me at all.
tsubasa^^ to sleep, perchance to dream...