our calender:)
adapted from my gek1520 motes so credits go to my lecturer!!!
our calender is based on one developed in around 200 B.C. by the Romans:) it may have had only 10 months and the year probably began on the first day of spring (vernal equinox) which s actually the month of march! (side note: yeah!!! march rocks! march babies rule!!! haha!) so October was the 8th month and December was the 10th month ans so on...
in 46 B.C., Julius Caesar (i think most people know who he was!!!) asked the astronomer Sosigenes to design a calender that would better fit the astronomical events. January and February were introduced. the result was a calender which consisted of 12 months (that's the beginning of our current calender). and February was the last month of the year:)
the name of the 7th month was changed to "Julio" to honour Julius Caesar- hence our "July". the 8th month was named in honour of Augustus Caesar who was very capable and highly respected. hence the name "august".
the months of the original Julian calender alternated between 30 and 31 days in length. to make the days add up to 365 a year, February was deducted one day to become 29 days since it was the last month of a year.
finding it disrespectful to have his month a day shorter than Julius's, august became a 31-days month. (so that's why July and august both have 31 days!!!) the alternate sequence continued with September being 30-days month, October being 31-days month and so on...
this led to using up one more day (because we gave august another day remember?) than there were days in a year. thus, February was deducted another day (poor February) leaving it with only 28 days:)
isn't this interesting??? i really enjoy my understanding the universe lectures!!! this is a mod worth taking especially since we got to watch shooting stars out of it:)
more interesting updates to come when i learn of it during lectures:)
tsubasa^^ i need wings to fly